Hamilton County Land Use Department
Since 2011, NFPS has served Hamilton County with all-inclusive Land Use and Zoning services. NFPS acts as an extension of County staff, handling the day to day operations of the Hamilton County Land Use Department. Through a continuing services agreement, the NFPS staff assigned act as the Land Development Regulation Administrator for the County. We are responsible for administering both the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations. NFPS handles all calls and inquiries, processes land use and zoning applications, reviews site and development plans, and serves as secretary to the Hamilton County Planning and Zoning Board.
NFPS staff receives and processes all applications (i.e. zoning change, variance, special permits, temporary use permits, or special exceptions) from staff-level review to scheduling and noticing public hearings to notifying applicants of approval or denial. We are also responsible for scheduling and creating agendas for the Planning and Zoning Board as well as taking minutes and attending all meetings. The land use staff also often attends Board of County Commissioner meetings to inform the Board of current applications or conduct public hearings before the County Commission. We are pleased to serve Hamilton County in this capacity and look forward to continuing this relationship in the future.
Client Reference
Hamilton County BOCC
207 NE First Street
Jasper, FL 32052
Contact: Louie Goodin,
County Coordinator
Project Type
Project Manager
Gregory G. Bailey, PE