
Transporting Communities through Exceptional Infrastructure!

NFPS is committed to your transportation needs by connecting your communities and developments with transportation engineering solutions that will enhance the mobility and quality of life of all modal users. We look forward to partnering with you to support your transportation needs growing into the future. NFPS is dedicated to deliver, using innovative approaches and advanced technology to ensure that your project is a success!

“We look forward to partnering with you to support your transportation needs growing into the future.”

NFPS has experience with transportation engineering projects of all sizes, ranging from local community projects to larger projects that effect regional and statewide travelers.

We can help your community with long range planning to support the planned growth and multi-modal uses of the future. In addition, we can develop a safety plan that can help the community understand the high-crash events and high-injury locations to prioritize for future projects to provide optimal safety for the traveling public within the community.

Items we take into consideration are: GIS Mapping; data analytics; High Injury Networks; and future growth trends and projections for capacity.

NFPS is registered as a Small Business Enterprise with FDOT and is a pre-qualified in the following categories:

  • 3.1 Minor Highway Design
  • 3.2 Major Highway Design
  • 3.3 Controlled Access Highway Design
  • 7.1 Signing, Pavement Marking and Channelization
  • 7.3 Signalization
  • 10.1 Roadway Construction Engineering Inspection
  • 13.5 Sub Area/Corridor Planning
  • 13.6 Land Planning/Engineering