SW 59th Drive Widening & Resurfacing
SW 59th Drive, in south central Hamilton County, is a two-lane rural collector road that serves as an important east-west corridor connecting CR 158 at two points, creating a loop. NFPS provided the design and permitting for the widening and resurfacing to convert 1.72 miles of existing dirt road to a paved road, as well as improved drainage and resurfacing of 1.87 miles of existing paved road.
Major items of work for this project included: environmental permitting, clearing and grubbing, major earthwork, drainage and structures, base work, asphalt construction, and signing and pavement markings.
Client Reference
Hamilton County BOCC
207 NE First Street
Jasper, FL 32052
Louie Goodin
County Coordinator
Project Type
Project Manager
James H. Pitman, PE