Hurricane Loss Mitigation Program (HLMP) Application Cycle Open Until April 14, 2025
ELIGIBLE APPLICANTS: Government entities (cities and counties), Nonprofit organizations, and public and private education institutions. For Government entities, only one (1) project can be awarded for each city and county.
COMMON ELIGIBLE ACTIVITIES: Eligible project types under the HLMP include:
- Residential/Non-Residential Wind Retrofit
- Tree Trimming
- Property Acquisition and Demolition
- Localized Flood Risk Reduction
INELIGIBLE EXPENSES: Ineligible expenses under the HLMP include:
- Work on non-site-built homes
- Equipment purchases
- Generators and related wiring
- Work on mobile or manufactured homes
- Work on a portion of a structure connected to a non-mitigated structure
ALLOCATION AND COST SHARE: Total HLMP Funding for FY 2025-2026: $3,500,000.00 Each applicant may submit one application totaling no more than $250,000.00. HLMP is a cost-reimbursement grant with up to 100 percent of total project costs eligible for reimbursable.
25-26 HLMP Application (Requirements: Transmittal letter, Benefit-Cost Analysis Support documentation, HLMP Application form with Applicant Info, Project Description, Project Location, Project Timeline. ADDITIONAL POINTS FOR: Fiscally Constrained County, Percentage of population protected, Wind Mitigation activities, and for a Residence or Critical/Government Facility.