NFPS has helped secure funding as well as designed multiple phases within Gibson Park in Jasper, Florida. The phases included a parking lot for both vehicles and boat trailers, as well as constructing a boat ramp, a floating dock, and a playground. The latest phase that NFPS assisted the County with is the improvement of the floating dock system that included erosion scar repair. Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) grant funding is as follows: Phase I $240,000;
and Phase II $412,000. Funding from the Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission, through the Florida Boating & Improvement Program (FBIP) grant was also obtained for $238,719. A permit was granted from Suwannee River Water Management District (SRWMD).

Client Reference
Hamilton County
207 NE First Street
Jasper, FL 32052
Gary Godwin, County Coordinator
Project Type
Project Manager
Kellan Bailey, PE