Horseshoe Beach Boat Ramp

Horseshoe Beach Boat Ramp
NFPS assisted Dixie County with securing Florida Boating Improvement Program (FBIP) Grant Funds from FWC to complete the boat ramp and park improvements at the Horseshoe Beach Boat Ramp. NFPS completed the grant applications and administration for Phase I of the project which consisted of planning, design, and permitting as well as for Phase II which consisted of construction and CEI services.
The project involved adding an additional boat ramp lane and repairing the existing ramp. The other park improvements included renovating the parking facilities and paving the driveway, adding two large aluminum mooring/boarding docks, and an educational kiosk. NFPS completed the planning, engineering design, permitting, construction contract administration, construction inspection, and grant reporting/close-out for this recreational project.
Client Reference
Dixie County BOCC
214 NE Hwy 351
Cross City FL 32628
Duane Cannon, County Manager
Project Type
Project Manager
Gregory G. Bailey, PE