Loquat Bridge Design/Build

Loquat Bridge Design/Build

Design/build project performed by NFPS and Anderson Columbia. The project consisted of replacing the un-safe bridge on Loquat Way in Lake City. The existing bridge had been deemed un-safe by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) and the road had been closed to through traffic. Because the bridge had been rated as un-safe, the City was awarded a grant by the FDOT for up to $300,000 to replace the bridge with a box culvert. By using a box culvert instead of a new bridge structure, the City is able to maintain the entire street, including the box culvert, and relieve the bridge maintenance responsibilities of the FDOT.

Scope of the Project: Demolish the existing bridge structure and replace with a 10-FT wide by 32-FT long box culvert; Repave Loquat Way, including tie-in to existing curb and gutter; Replace existing guardrail and extend to meet current FDOT specifications and standards; Relocation of All Utilities below the creek; Potable Water: removal of an abandoned 6-inch water line and directional drill and relocation of existing 12-inch water main; Sanitary Sewer: removal of 55 FT of existing 8-inch sewer main (between two man holes) and replace with a new lift station; Natural Gas: City relocated the existing 4-inch gas line. NFPS was responsible for all engineering design and permitting for this project, as well as construction inspection activities. Anderson Columbia Co. was responsible for all construction activities for this project.

Client Reference

City of Lake City
205 N Marion Ave
Lake City, FL 32055

Wendell Johnson
City Manager

Project Type


Project Manager

Gregory G. Bailey, PE