Real Terrace New Construction
Real Terrace involved the design and permitting of a new three-lane urban section roadway through the woods. It provides an important alternative corridor that allows traffic to avoid the heavily congested retail area at the emerging end of NW Bascom Norris Drive and US Highway 90 West in Lake City.
Major items of work are heavy clearing and grubbing; design and installation of water lines, gas lines and sanitary sewer that tie into the existing City of Lake City utilities; curb inlets and storm sewer, base and asphalt construction; retention ponds and signs and pavement markings. The total project length is approximately 0.44 miles.
Client Reference
Columbia County BOCC
135 NE Hernando Ave, Ste 203
Lake City, FL 32056
Kevin Kirby
Assistant County Manager
Project Type
Project Manager
James H. Pitman, PE