Salt Creek Seawall

Salt Creek Seawall

Salt Creek Seawall

Salt Creek Seawall

As the Dixie County Engineer of Record, NFPS was tasked with assisting the County in finding funding to construct a seawall between the Salt Creek canal and CR 349 in the Town of Suwannee. NFPS staff worked diligently to find a funding source and coordinated with the USDA NRCS regional office to procure an Emergency Watershed Protection grant of $1.1 million.

The project was funded on an “emergency-need” basis and was given a 220-day time limit. Thus, NFPS has had to expedite the engineering design, permitting and construction bidding processes to maintain the rigid schedule. NFPS is worked with NRCS staff and the County Manager to progress through the project and maintain all federal grant reporting and financial procedures.

Client Reference

Dixie County BOCC
214 NE Hwy 351
Cross City, FL 32628

Tim Alexander
County Manager

Project Manager

Kellan Bailey, PE